I don't care anymore! No more! Not for you, not for them and not for that!
I am in hate period.
Helveteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Kan inte något hända? NÅGOT SOM GÖR ATT JAG FÅR LEVA SOM JAG VILL! JAG HATAR ALLT NU. (Lugn, har inga självmordstankar!! Men jag vill flytta till Australien eller America!).
What the fuck? What have I done so I deserve this shithole? What did "The fate" do to me? I am nobody, isn't that what you wanted? And now you want me to go away, fade away and die slowly?
I've lost everything since I leaved her, and what? I had to go from her? We don't live at the same fucking place!!!!!!!!!!! AND WHAT AM I?
I know that one day, I'll get my price for this suffering!
And with that price, I don't mean a princess, I mean happiness!
We don't leave at the same fucking place!!!!!!!!!!!
Live annars... nu skrev du att "ni inte lämna på samma jävla plats..."
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